Monday, March 21, 2016

Family, Fitness and First Day of Spring

This was quite a busy week!  We celebrated Hunter's birthday, Nolan had his first race and I had some great workouts.  Here is a recap of this past week of training...

Monday: Thanks to a bout of laryngitis then a work conflict, it had been over two weeks since I last taught spinning, so I was super excited to get back in there and see my peeps!  They were happy to see me too.  Stacey and Katee from my Moms Run This Town group joined my class for he first time.  They did AWESOME!  It is always so nice to have friends come take my class, especially when they crush it!

I also worked legs on Monday before and after spinning.  I am so inconsistent with lifting legs, so each time I do it, I definitely feel sore for almost the whole week!

Tuesday: I have no scheduled races for March and most of my April races (with the exception of the half I am running with a friend) are shorter distances.  So I haven't really been following any sort of specific training program for the past few weeks.  It has actually been nice since I had been marathon training from August until February (and of course running 2 marathons in that time frame).  I absolutely LOVE speed work, although it doesn't always love me, so when Tuesday rolled around I thought I might just ditch it since I don't technically HAVE to do it.  But I decided to at least do a little something.  Once I got going, I got GOING.  I did the first mile at a nice and easy pace, figured I would start with a quarter mile then go from there, but I just couldn't stop with that and ended up doing a nice little ladder:
1 mile warm up @ 8:30
400 @ 6:18m/m
800 @ 6:23m/m
1200 @ 6:28m/m
1600 @ 6:33 m/m
1200 @ 6:26 m/m
800 @ 6:21m/m
400 @ 6:15m/m
[all w/ 400 RI]
1 mile cool down @ 7:30

Total of 7 miles and it felt GREAT!  As the day went on, however, I felt like between that speed workout, the first time teaching spinning in a few weeks and the leg workout, I was going to be sore...

Tuesday was also Hunter's 33rd birthday!  We don't typically get to go out during the week because of work and school but we figured we should celebrate big guy by going to his favorite restaurant.  Here he is with the boys at Jimmy Hula's.

Wednesday: Hunter doesn't go out to the high school to coach on Wednesday, so we get some time to work together.  It is his cardio day and my weight lifting day, so we go our separate ways for workout and reconvene for lunch/work.  I was indeed sore from the workouts the days before, and from doing legs before spinning on Monday, but I did want to get my power/plyo workout in for the week.  Did a quick workout of snatches, swings, box jumps, ropes and val slides.  If I had more time and wasn't as sore, I would have pushed it more, but I'm working on this whole "listen to my body" thing and pulled back a little that day.  I also got to rock my new Sweat Pink hat, so I was pretty fired up about that.

I went to LA that night to teach yoga and thought that would help loosen me up and make me feel better.  We did a lot of vinyasa's  and one of my students come up to me afterwards to tell me she loved the class and was going to feel it in the next day.  I of course thanked her and didn't think much of it, until I too felt it the next day!

Thursday: Holy guacamole I was feeling the effects of my workouts of the week by Thursday.  I think my yoga class had me the most sore out of everything, lol!  I wanted to get a 5 miler in and it was gorgeous outside, so I drove a little bit out of the way to hit a certain part of the trail I enjoy.  I didn't wear my watch, so I wasn't sure about my pace.  I went off feel and since I was feeling sluggish, I'm sure I was pretty slow.  After about 2 miles or so though, I hit a good stride and was really enjoying everything about my run.

Friday: Because it was FriYay, the weather was gorgeous and we had an exciting weekend ahead, I was feeling pretty good when I woke up Friday morning.  Still a little sore but not as back as I was the day before.  We had a busy afternoon planned at work and I was planning on running with my friend Kim the next morning, so I shot over to Planet Fitness for a super quick upper body pump.  I am really starting to notice a difference now that I have made some adjustments to my nutrition, I am getting my muscles back!  Well, they technically didn't go anywhere, I just thought I would protect them with a layer of fat when I let my hair down with my eating back when I was injured.  I am not sure of my current weight or body fat percentage, but based on my definition, I started to get back to where I was last summer and hopefully I will be even more lean this year!

After we wrapped things up at work that afternoon, we went and picked the boys up a few minutes early for a special surprise for them!  We took them on their very first SunRail trip.  They were so incredibly excited to get to ride a train for the first time!  We went down to Park Avenue where they were having an art festival.  We walked around looking at the art, ran into some friends down there and got some ice cream before riding the train back.  We then took a trip over to Whole Foods to get stuff for dinner and had a relaxing rest of the evening at home.
Saturday: I was sleeping so good when the alarm clock went off Saturday morning.  Thanks to the time change, it was pitch black out here when I got up to go meet Kim for our longish run on the trail.  I initially did not want to get up since I rarely get to sleep in, but I had made a promise to my friend I would help her train for her first half, so I shot out of bed and got dressed.  It made me think of all the times I didn't want to get up but still did and went and ran all those training miles.  I definitely felt a sense of pride for myself and all the other dedicated runners out there!  The sun was just starting to come up when we both pulled up to the trailhead.  It was incredibly humid outside but luckily not terribly hot.  We headed out on the trail and we both felt pretty good.  We turned around a little after 4 miles to head back and around mile 6, we saw Kerye, one of our Moms Run This Town mamas, so she joined us for those last two.  It was so much fun running with the gals.  We kept a good solid pace but also got to chat up a storm!

After our run, I went and got the kiddos so Hunter could go get his workout in and go to work.  The boys and I went to LA so I could get in a quick swim and of course finally shower.  I have been trying to get a least one swim in a week since my tri is coming up in May.  I sure hope I'm ready!

On Saturday night, we finally got to celebrate Hunter's birthday!  Went met up with some friends at Froggers and had such an amazing time.  I love when Hunter gets to relax and have a good time with friends.  He works so hard so it's nice to get to take some time to celebrate!

Sunday was the first official day of Spring!  We woke up to rain showers and rather muggy morning.  It was rest day for both Hunter and I, as well as "cheat day" so we went to Argos for some unhealthy breakfast and back to the house to be lazy for a bit.  That didn't last very long though, it's hard for our family to sit still, hehe.  So we decided we wanted to go check out some houses since we're hoping to move soon, and then an impromptu trip to Chuck E Cheese to meet up with some friends!  And after all of that, we had Nolan's first running meet!  I had signed him up for the Healthy Kids Running Series and he had his first of 6 weeks of races.  His age group races a 50 yard dash, which is a perfect way to get these kiddos into running and fitness.  

Nolan was so excited, he had his own packet including race shirt and bib.  When it was his turn to race and he got up to the line with the other kiddos, he put his game face on, got into position and was ready to go!  The yelled out for the to start the race and he took off like the wind.  I wasn't sure how he would do, if he would want to participate, get distracted out there or quit half way through the race, you just never know with that age.  

But he was a natural.  For the first several yards he was middle of the pack but he soon broke away and make his way all the way up to third place!  Of course they do not give awards or even time the kids, it's all in fun.  I was just so proud of Nolan for even going out there and of course the fact that he had so much fun just warms my heart.  He insisted on wearing his race shirt to bed last night and is already looking forward to running again next week.  Proud mama right here!

It was definitely a great week of training.  I had some good workouts where I pushed it, I listened to my body and pulled when I needed to and of course had a lot of fun this week.  This coming week, my focus is on preparing for my upcoming 15k.

Totals for the week...
Running: 20 miles
Swimming: 1200yrds
Weightlifting: 3 sessions
Yoga: 1

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