Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My Race Day Fueling Essentials

Went shopping and picked up a few of my favorites!
I am often asked what is the best thing to eat and drink on race day.  My answer typically goes a little something like this, "it depends on you, but here is what I like..."  I wish there was one simple fuel combination that worked for everyone, but there just isn't.  We all do not eat the same things, we have our own likes and dislikes as well as what works and does not sit well.  This same thing holds true with race nutrition and hydration. Speaking from personal experience, I have tried things others have suggested and have great success as well as failures.  And it continues to evolve with tweaks here and there with each subsequent race.  But from fuel to hydration, it will always come down to convenience, taste, effectiveness and how it makes you feel (the last thing you want is a mid run trip to the port-a-potty)!

Although you will not necessarily follow my fuel plan, a little guidance may help you decide on some things to try for your next race.  So I have compiled a list of some of my favorite race day fuel essentials along with when and why I take them when.  Hopefully this will help give you some ideas for your race day nutrition and hydration.

Days Before
I know, I know this post is about race day, but it is helpful to note the importance of proper nutrition and hydration in the days leading up to the race.  By now, we have all probably heard about carb loading and for many of us that means mounds of pasta and loaves upon loaves of bread.  Although many still believe (and still see great benefits in this type of carb loading), I myself steer clear of Olive Garden and opt for a "cleaner" type of carb loading.  In the days before the race, I get extra carbs in my diet by loading up with things like sweet potatoes, quinoa, oats, bananas and Ezekial bread.  Since these foods are already staples in my diet, I know how my body will handle them come race day.

I also up the water and electrolyte intake significantly in the days before the big event.  I'm a big water drinking to begin with but I start chugging more and more as well as incorporate electrolyte enhancers like Nuun Hydration to my water in order to prepare.  Another way I get more electrolytes is by adding a little extra salt to my food.  I'm not a huge fan of salt and typically use it sparingly, but in preparation for race day, I go ahead sprinkle some pink Himalayan salt on my food, especially those sweet potatoes...yummy!

Pre Race
It's the day of the race and the alarm clock goes off at 4ish in the morning.  I hop out of bed, gather my race belongings and prepare for the 30-45 minute drive down to the event.  But before I head out, I try to prepare my favorite race day breakfast.  Yes, it is a little challenging eating that early in the morning with that much time before the race, but it is incredibly important to get some food in my system.  I have evolved this meal over the years into what I find works best for me today.  It may change again, but for now, the following meal is not only nutritional, filling and easy on the GI tract, it is delicious!  So here is the recipe for my favorite race day breakfast:
Christina's Race Day Almond Butter Toast
2 slices out of Ezekial Bread
2 Tbps of crunchy all natural almond butter
1 ripe banana, sliced
1/2 (or less) honey
dash of pink Himalayan salt

Spread 1 Tbsp of almond butter on each toasted slice of Ezekial bread.  Arrange sliced bananas on top of almond butter toast.  Drizzle with honey, top with salt to taste.
So Yummy!
The drive to the event is the perfect opportunity to hydrate.  I bring a large bottle of water as well as a bottle with Nuun Hydration.  Once at the event, I taper my water drinking so that my stomach is not too full.  At this point, I am about ready for my final pre race nutrition.  30 minutes before the start of the race, I drink my BeetElite for energy and performance enhancement, then have my "snack."  Depending on the time that has past since I had breakfast and the duration of the pending race, I will fuel up with one of the following:

5-15k: Honey Stinger waffles give me what I need for the shorter distances and are super tasty!
Half-Full Marathon: ProBar Meal Bar (filled with plenty of carbs, protein and good fat) gives me enough calories, aka energy, to get me through a whole half and most of a full.  I will sometimes also eat a Honey Stinger along with the ProBar for a full if it has been a while since breakfast.

Mid Race
For shorter distance runs like 5-15k's, I do not need anything during the run itself.  My nutrition leading up to the event is typically enough to carry me through the 3-10ish miles.  After about 10 miles (a little over an hour), I start to need some fuel and this is typically where energy gels comes into play.  I have heard mixed reviews when it comes to gels but I have always been a fan.  Now I'm not saying I particularly like the taste and consistency of the gel, but it certainly is convenient and gives me the energy I need to push through.  I am able to keep the packet in the pouch of my shorts or race belt for easy access.  When I need it, I just rip off the top, choke it down with some water and keep moving.  I have tried several brands over the years from GU to Cliff, but more recently have discovered Huma and Honey Stinger gels and they have become my favorite.  The Honey Stinger gels are organic and are actually rather yummy unlike most of the other gels on the market.  I also enjoy the Huma gels because they too are organic and tasty, and are also Gluten free, dairy free, Vegan friendly.  Huma also makes a gel with caffine in it, which I really like to use out on those half and full distances.

I am also not opposed to using the gels provided on the course if need be.  Again, I have been using these for several years now, and know how they treat me.  I certainly wouldn't try anything new race day nor would I suggest anyone else do the same, so be sure to give them a try on your training runs first.

I no longer race with a hydration belt or Camelback, they downright annoy me (they're a necessary evil for training runs though).  Now I solely rely on pre race hydration and the course water and Gatorade.  I try not to do too much Gatorade to avoid all the sugar, so I mostly do water with the occasionally Gatorade for the longer distance races.  I try to hit every water stop taking in a little at a time, not to fill up my stomach so much but to be sure I continue to hydrate.  Regardless of the weather, I am sure to continually hydrate, and even more so during those hot, humid races.

Post Race
As much as I would LOVE to pig out immediately following a race, I cannot seem to eat a thing!  I am still full from all the pre race food and mid run gels and liquids, so I typically bring me a bar and coconut water to make sure I am getting something in my system post race.  A favorite bar of mine post race is the white chocolate raspberry Quest Bar.  It is nice little treat, almost like a desert, for all my hard work.  I find the coconut water to be super helpful in hydration and it doesn't have all the extra "stuff" in there like Gatorade and other sports drinks.

Once all the excitement of the race has died down and I have made it back home to my family, it is game on as far as food is concerned!  Sundays are typically my cheat day and if it just so happens to be on a race day too, I am in heaven.  Of course I wish I could eat half the things I would like to eat, it still is about making smart choices and in moderation.  But, hey you only live once, so I definitely let my hair down a bit when it comes to post race food.  And one of my absolute most favorite post race indulgences is BEER!  I love me some good craft beer, especially a super hoppy IPA.

Final Thoughts...
Just a couple of quick take-aways when it comes to fueling up for your next event:
  • Every runner and every race is different, find what works best for you and try to stick with it, tweaking here and there to make it even better.
  • To avoid unwanted GI issues, do NOT try anything new race day!  Use your training runs to test out nutrition and hydration.
  • Don't skip breakfast before the race, I know it sounds silly to mention it, but it happens, be sure to eat!  Food=Fuel and you need fuel to run.
  • Keep in mind what you're putting in your body the days leading up to the race.  Make sure to get additional carbs and electrolytes but be sure to avoid things that may upset your stomach or make you feel sluggish.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after the race.  Electrolyte enhancers are also helpful, but try to avoid excess sugar.
  • Treat yourself (in moderation) after the race, you've earned especially after those longer distances!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Spring Break, Family Time and Yoga Poses

This week was Spring Break for many of the local high schools.  Although it has been YEARS since I myself have been able to enjoy an entire week off from reality, Spring Break does affect our work schedule and actually frees up a little time in our training.  On the plus side, Hunter and I are able to get some work done and even have a little fun together.  On the downside, with my schedule thrown off, it can be a little difficult to stay focused and committed to my fitness.  With that being said, I still managed some good workouts this week and here is a recap in training.

Monday: Taught spinning to a smaller class, assuming many were out for Spring Break.  The weather was gorgeous, a little cooler but sunny and beautiful.  After spin, I met up with Hunter and we knocked out a few miles.  He said he wanted to push to 4 and hold a solid pace similar to our last run.  We ended up doing 4.25 with a pace of 9:02.  Which in my opinion is super awesome for a big guy who has only been running for 3 months.  He's made so much progress in such a short period of time.  I couldn't be more proud of him!

Monday also started the Runners Love Yoga Challenge for March.  I had so much fun participated in the February challenge while tapering for my marathon and I even won the challenge!  This month is all about the Flow with a series of poses that will build on each other.  Here was day one with a Warrior I:

Tuesday: Normally I run on my lunch break on Tuesday, but with the freed up afternoon as well as free tickets to a fitness convention center here in Orlando, Hunter and I took advantage and headed down to the convention center.  We spent the afternoon checking out all the latest and greatest in the industry and we even ran into a few of our former coworkers.  It's always fun to get to catch up with people!  We had to head back to train our afternoon groups so this left no time for my run.  Luckily, since the sun is going down later now, I was able to get an evening jog in.  This used to be the only time of day I could run because of work and kiddos.  It had been so long since I've had a solo evening run and I had almost forgotten how beautiful it is out there just before the sun goes down.  I definitely want to take more time for runs like this.

And this was my Reverse Warrior pose from earlier in the day for the Yoga Challenge:

Wednesday: Hunter and I had a busy afternoon planned so I didn't have much time for a workout.  I stayed back at the gym while he went for his run and I knocked out a quick MetCon circuit.  My knee and hip had gotten really sore over the past few days so I did spend some time on rolling and mobility work.  In between MetCon sets I went ahead and did my Yoga Challenge pose which was a triangle pose.  It was juts what I needed to help loosen up my tight adductors.

Thursday: On Thursdays I typically run but my legs felt like absolute lead.  With my run on Monday and Tuesday, I was already at the mileage I'm typically at for the week, so I figured I should hold off on running more and have fresh legs for hopefully a good Saturday run.  So I decided to just do a quick, easy mile and a half then hit the pool for some laps.  My swimming has gotten so much better and I swam a whole 1200m without stopping!

Yoga pose for the day was the low lunge.  Took the picture at the pond in front of my house before the rain came.

Friday: Went to Planet Fitness and focused solely on upper body.  My knee was feeling much better and my legs were loosening up, but I didn't want to wear them out before my 8-10 miles I had scheduled for the next day.  Got in a great pump at PF then headed to meet Hunter for lunch.  After lunch we met with a realtor about potentially selling our house and buying a new one, eeek!  Then we went to a high school baseball game to cheer on our kiddos from the gym, then to our own kid's school to watch their Easter parade, then finally home!  What a crazy busy day, we were exhausted!  But here are some adorable pictures of the kids' Easter festivities:

And of course here is my standing L pose for the Yoga Challenge:

Saturday: The forecast was calling for rain all weekend.  Since I have been helping a friend prepare for her first half, I was disappointed the rain would keep us from meeting out on the trail that morning.  I, however, was excited to get to sleep in a little though.  It's been while.  So I caught a few extra ZZZ's and headed to LA Fitness for a treadmill run.  My plan was 8-10, which is my usual Saturday mileage.  My knee was a just a pinch twinge-y, my allergies were not too bad, and the extra sleep had me feeling good and rested.  I could have pushed harder and gone longer but I felt good about my 8 miles in 58:41 (avg pace 7:21).   Pretty pleased with my run and feeling prepared for my 15k next week, I finished off with some foam rolling and stretching.  Spent the rest of the day with friends at an Easter party.

When we got home from the party, it was raining.  I still needed to do my revolved half moon pose for the Challenge, so here I am doing so in the rain!

Sunday: Easter Sunday and also rest day!  We decided to spend the day at the beach.  It was a little overcast at times but it turned out to be the perfect day to spend at the beach and finish out an awesome weekend.  The boys had so much fun building sandcastles and splashing in the waves.  Hearing their laughter and seeing the smiles on their sweet little faces makes everything seem right in the worlds.

And of course, the beach is also the perfect place for a great yoga shot, so here is my high lunge for the Runners Love Yoga Challenge:

What's on tap for the next few weeks...
It's about to get really hectic!  April is a super busy month with work and races.  Next Sunday, I will run the EA Riverside 15k.  The following weekend, my mom will be in town helping with the kiddos while Hunter and I help run a football camp.  Also that weekend, I have an 8k on Saturday and then on Sunday, I drive down to Sarasota in the wee hours of the morning to run the Iron Girl Half Marathon with my friend (it is her first half)!  I will have a week to recuperate then it's the Lake Minneola Half Marathon April 24th, then two weeks later it's my sprint tri!  After that, we take a vacation and I will have no other races planned until the Chicago Marathon in October.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Family, Fitness and First Day of Spring

This was quite a busy week!  We celebrated Hunter's birthday, Nolan had his first race and I had some great workouts.  Here is a recap of this past week of training...

Monday: Thanks to a bout of laryngitis then a work conflict, it had been over two weeks since I last taught spinning, so I was super excited to get back in there and see my peeps!  They were happy to see me too.  Stacey and Katee from my Moms Run This Town group joined my class for he first time.  They did AWESOME!  It is always so nice to have friends come take my class, especially when they crush it!

I also worked legs on Monday before and after spinning.  I am so inconsistent with lifting legs, so each time I do it, I definitely feel sore for almost the whole week!

Tuesday: I have no scheduled races for March and most of my April races (with the exception of the half I am running with a friend) are shorter distances.  So I haven't really been following any sort of specific training program for the past few weeks.  It has actually been nice since I had been marathon training from August until February (and of course running 2 marathons in that time frame).  I absolutely LOVE speed work, although it doesn't always love me, so when Tuesday rolled around I thought I might just ditch it since I don't technically HAVE to do it.  But I decided to at least do a little something.  Once I got going, I got GOING.  I did the first mile at a nice and easy pace, figured I would start with a quarter mile then go from there, but I just couldn't stop with that and ended up doing a nice little ladder:
1 mile warm up @ 8:30
400 @ 6:18m/m
800 @ 6:23m/m
1200 @ 6:28m/m
1600 @ 6:33 m/m
1200 @ 6:26 m/m
800 @ 6:21m/m
400 @ 6:15m/m
[all w/ 400 RI]
1 mile cool down @ 7:30

Total of 7 miles and it felt GREAT!  As the day went on, however, I felt like between that speed workout, the first time teaching spinning in a few weeks and the leg workout, I was going to be sore...

Tuesday was also Hunter's 33rd birthday!  We don't typically get to go out during the week because of work and school but we figured we should celebrate big guy by going to his favorite restaurant.  Here he is with the boys at Jimmy Hula's.

Wednesday: Hunter doesn't go out to the high school to coach on Wednesday, so we get some time to work together.  It is his cardio day and my weight lifting day, so we go our separate ways for workout and reconvene for lunch/work.  I was indeed sore from the workouts the days before, and from doing legs before spinning on Monday, but I did want to get my power/plyo workout in for the week.  Did a quick workout of snatches, swings, box jumps, ropes and val slides.  If I had more time and wasn't as sore, I would have pushed it more, but I'm working on this whole "listen to my body" thing and pulled back a little that day.  I also got to rock my new Sweat Pink hat, so I was pretty fired up about that.

I went to LA that night to teach yoga and thought that would help loosen me up and make me feel better.  We did a lot of vinyasa's  and one of my students come up to me afterwards to tell me she loved the class and was going to feel it in the next day.  I of course thanked her and didn't think much of it, until I too felt it the next day!

Thursday: Holy guacamole I was feeling the effects of my workouts of the week by Thursday.  I think my yoga class had me the most sore out of everything, lol!  I wanted to get a 5 miler in and it was gorgeous outside, so I drove a little bit out of the way to hit a certain part of the trail I enjoy.  I didn't wear my watch, so I wasn't sure about my pace.  I went off feel and since I was feeling sluggish, I'm sure I was pretty slow.  After about 2 miles or so though, I hit a good stride and was really enjoying everything about my run.

Friday: Because it was FriYay, the weather was gorgeous and we had an exciting weekend ahead, I was feeling pretty good when I woke up Friday morning.  Still a little sore but not as back as I was the day before.  We had a busy afternoon planned at work and I was planning on running with my friend Kim the next morning, so I shot over to Planet Fitness for a super quick upper body pump.  I am really starting to notice a difference now that I have made some adjustments to my nutrition, I am getting my muscles back!  Well, they technically didn't go anywhere, I just thought I would protect them with a layer of fat when I let my hair down with my eating back when I was injured.  I am not sure of my current weight or body fat percentage, but based on my definition, I started to get back to where I was last summer and hopefully I will be even more lean this year!

After we wrapped things up at work that afternoon, we went and picked the boys up a few minutes early for a special surprise for them!  We took them on their very first SunRail trip.  They were so incredibly excited to get to ride a train for the first time!  We went down to Park Avenue where they were having an art festival.  We walked around looking at the art, ran into some friends down there and got some ice cream before riding the train back.  We then took a trip over to Whole Foods to get stuff for dinner and had a relaxing rest of the evening at home.
Saturday: I was sleeping so good when the alarm clock went off Saturday morning.  Thanks to the time change, it was pitch black out here when I got up to go meet Kim for our longish run on the trail.  I initially did not want to get up since I rarely get to sleep in, but I had made a promise to my friend I would help her train for her first half, so I shot out of bed and got dressed.  It made me think of all the times I didn't want to get up but still did and went and ran all those training miles.  I definitely felt a sense of pride for myself and all the other dedicated runners out there!  The sun was just starting to come up when we both pulled up to the trailhead.  It was incredibly humid outside but luckily not terribly hot.  We headed out on the trail and we both felt pretty good.  We turned around a little after 4 miles to head back and around mile 6, we saw Kerye, one of our Moms Run This Town mamas, so she joined us for those last two.  It was so much fun running with the gals.  We kept a good solid pace but also got to chat up a storm!

After our run, I went and got the kiddos so Hunter could go get his workout in and go to work.  The boys and I went to LA so I could get in a quick swim and of course finally shower.  I have been trying to get a least one swim in a week since my tri is coming up in May.  I sure hope I'm ready!

On Saturday night, we finally got to celebrate Hunter's birthday!  Went met up with some friends at Froggers and had such an amazing time.  I love when Hunter gets to relax and have a good time with friends.  He works so hard so it's nice to get to take some time to celebrate!

Sunday was the first official day of Spring!  We woke up to rain showers and rather muggy morning.  It was rest day for both Hunter and I, as well as "cheat day" so we went to Argos for some unhealthy breakfast and back to the house to be lazy for a bit.  That didn't last very long though, it's hard for our family to sit still, hehe.  So we decided we wanted to go check out some houses since we're hoping to move soon, and then an impromptu trip to Chuck E Cheese to meet up with some friends!  And after all of that, we had Nolan's first running meet!  I had signed him up for the Healthy Kids Running Series and he had his first of 6 weeks of races.  His age group races a 50 yard dash, which is a perfect way to get these kiddos into running and fitness.  

Nolan was so excited, he had his own packet including race shirt and bib.  When it was his turn to race and he got up to the line with the other kiddos, he put his game face on, got into position and was ready to go!  The yelled out for the to start the race and he took off like the wind.  I wasn't sure how he would do, if he would want to participate, get distracted out there or quit half way through the race, you just never know with that age.  

But he was a natural.  For the first several yards he was middle of the pack but he soon broke away and make his way all the way up to third place!  Of course they do not give awards or even time the kids, it's all in fun.  I was just so proud of Nolan for even going out there and of course the fact that he had so much fun just warms my heart.  He insisted on wearing his race shirt to bed last night and is already looking forward to running again next week.  Proud mama right here!

It was definitely a great week of training.  I had some good workouts where I pushed it, I listened to my body and pulled when I needed to and of course had a lot of fun this week.  This coming week, my focus is on preparing for my upcoming 15k.

Totals for the week...
Running: 20 miles
Swimming: 1200yrds
Weightlifting: 3 sessions
Yoga: 1

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hurts So Good: Foam Rolling 101

When I first learned about foam rolling about 10 years ago, I initially thought it was odd and useless.  I was working as a personal trainer at a large health club and I remember one of the master trainers raving about it so I figured I would give it a shot.  I laid on the long peace of foam, rolled vigorously back and forth for like 5 seconds and insisted it had no benefit.  Luckily for me and my future client, that master trainer caught me with my terrible foam rolling technique and took some time to show me how to properly use it.  And let me tell you, it changed my life!  Since then, foam rolling has not only become a regular part of my training regimen (just as important to me as a training run or lifting session) but also a staple in our training programs for all of our athletes.  Foam rolling and other forms of SMR (self miofascial release), if done properly, have several great benefits which I will discuss below.  However, people often neglect rolling because they feel as if they have time or do not see immediate benefits from it.  So I will also cover proper technique, key areas to roll and tips for incorporating rolling into your training routine.

Benefits of Rolling
First, let's discuss why we roll.  Our active lifestyle, from running to lifting weights, causes our muscles to tighten up.  These tight areas, or "trigger points," can eventually lead to weak areas which, if neglected, can potentially lead to injury.  Loosening up tight tissue not only alleviates discomfort, but it can also help you become a more efficient athlete with increased range of motion, better form and improved running and economy.  Waiting until you feel significant tightness and pain, however is not the solution and often where people go wrong when it comes to SMR.  Foam rolling is not just for rehabilitation, rather it is a great tool for preventing muscles from getting too tight, which of course will aid in recovery, prevent soreness and, of course, prevent injury.

When to Roll
As I stated above, don't just wait until your sore to roll.  Use roam rolling as a preventative tool as a part of your regular training routine to see the most benefit.  At our gym, we have our athletes roll out before each training session, and even during and after if necessary.  I myself, as a runner and weight lifter, typically start each of my training sessions off with several minutes of foam rolling focusing on key areas.  So to answer the question of "when should you foam roll?" here are a couple of key things to remember:
  1. Rolling can essentially be done daily
  2. Do not wait until you are sore, roll regularly
  3. Roll BEFORE training sessions as a part of your warm up to loosen up tight muscles
  4. If you experience tightness during or after a workout, take a moment to roll that specific area
  5. Rolling does not necessarily have to occur during training, it can be done first thing in the morning or even at night, just make time for it!
Types of Rollers
At our facility, we have several types of tools including regular long rollers, half rollers, "The Stick," and lacrosse balls for our athletes' SMR needs.  I typically suggest to people to first invest in a long roller that can be purchased anywhere from online to running stores and even Target or Marshalls.  You do not have to break the bank buying the latest and greatest products in SMR.  A simple long piece of foam will serve as a great tool to loosen up those tight muscles.  Here is a break down of what we use and for what:
  1. Long Roller: Can be used for most areas, especially larger muscle groups like quads, glutes and adductors.  Long rollers are also great for the back, lats and of course those pesky IT Bands.
  2. Half Roller: Although not necessary if you have the long roller, half rollers can be a little more user friendly for hamstrings and calf muscles.
  3. "The Stick": Is great for zeroing in on tight calf and soleus muscles as well as peroneals.  If you do a good amount of traveling, The Stick is a great investment because of it's size, it can be a great SMR tool for on the go.
  4. Lacrosse Ball: Yes, you can purchase a fancy rolling ball from a running store, but if you can get your hands on a lacrosse ball, there are several areas you can roll with this simple tool.  The neck and shoulder area, certain regions of the hips and the rotator cuff are all areas that a hard lacrosse ball can help loosen up.
  5. Others: If you head into a running store or search around online, you can be overwhelmed with the practically endless types of SMR tools available as well as the claims that each product is "the best in the industry."  My advice when it comes to starting off with foam rolling (and actually when you start off with anything) is to keep it simple and fairly inexpensive.  Invest in one good roller that seems to suit your needs and commit to using it before breaking the bank on all the products on the shelves.
Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Foam Roller
I've discussed the importance of rolling, when to roll and of course what to use.  Now I will cover some key things to remember as you roller in order to get the most out of it.  Like I said above, my first experience with foam rolling was less than impressive, and this was of course I was doing it all wrong.  Many times, I will see people lay on a roller, rapidly roll back and forth for a handful of seconds (pretty much exactly how it went down the first time I tried it), hop up and proceed with their workout or leave the gym thinking they just successfully broke up all that tight tissue.  Sure they have seen pictures in magazines or other people at the gym foam roll the same way, so they think they are doing in right.  And maybe they did get something out of it that way (mostly likely a placebo effect though). In order to feel the full benefits from SMR, one must be a little more methodically with their rolling.  So here are a key things to consider next time you grab your roller, stick or ball:
  1. Start with larger muscle groups like the quads, glutes and hamstrings, then work your way into the smaller ones.
  2. Find the "trigger points," or areas of tightness and discomfort, and focus on breaking up those areas the most.  If you feel nothing over a certain muscles, don't spend too much time there.
  3. Roll directly over the tightest spots, as it becomes less and less tense, begin rolling further away from that area to cover more ground and loosen up more tissue surrounding it.
  4. Take slow deep breaths, letting out long slow exhales as you roll over those extra tight spots that cause you discomfort while rolling.
  5. Spend on average about 20-30 seconds per area, longer for the tighter areas.  This really should take only about 10 minutes of your time, so no excuses on skipping out on it!
What to Roll
Here are the key areas we focus on rolling with our athletes:

Glutes: Sit on top of foam roller.  Rest ankle on top of thigh.  Place same arm behind body.  Lean toward the bent leg side and roll forward to back over glute.

IT Band: Lay sideways with outer thigh (IT Band) on top of roller.  Place bottom forearm on grown beneath shoulder and top hand down for support.  Cross top leg over bottom placing foot on ground.  Roll body forward to back. 

Quads: Lay upper thighs on top of the roller with forearms rested on the floor for support.  Roll from top to bottom of thighs and back up.

Hamstrings: Place foam roller underneath one leg.  Use your arms to help hold your hips off the floor.  Roll up and down over hamstrings.

Adductors: Place roller parallel to body.  With forearms underneath shoulders for support, place inner thigh on top of the roller with knee bent.  Roll from upper thigh down towards the knee and back up.

Lower Back: Place foam roller underneath your low back.  Place hands behind head to support neck.  Lift hips off floor and roll up and down low back.

Upper Back: Lay your shoulder blades on top of foam roller.  Cross your arms across your chest.  Lift your hips off floor.  Roll foam roller up and down your upper back.

Lats: Place roller underneath upper lats, roll up and down along lats.  Then, laying on roller, roll chest front to back.

Calves: Place The Stick on top of the calf muscle below knee, roll Stick down and up the calf.

Peroneals: Place The Stick on outside of the lower leg, above ankle.  Roll Stick up and down the lateral leg.

For more information on foam rolling, recovery and training, contact Coach Christina today at 407-960-4705.