I cannot believe I will be running another marathon two weeks from Sunday! It feels like I just ran my last marathon, oh wait, that's because I did just run a marathon and genius [sarcasm] over here decided to just jump right into another one. Of course people do it all the time and I do love the distance, so no complaining from me. But I do have to admit, that I am kinda ready to get it over with and start focusing on some shorter distances as well as other goals. My body and mind have had enough 20+ mile runs over the last few months. Like I have said in my past posts, I chose this one because of how badly I wanted to BQ, but I quickly realized that it probably just won't happen again. And I am ok with that. This is a great race, with great supporter for a great cause. So I am just looking to get out there, run my heart out and have fun.
So without any further ado, here is a recap of the week:
Monday: Spinning, of course. This week, I had a big class. The energy was through the rough and we even had some fun tracks on the house playlist, including the "Macarena!" Of course we had to spend the last several seconds of the track sitting upright on our bikes doing the arm movements to the dance. Everyone got a big laugh out of it and had fun doing so. That's what it's all about after all, working hard but having fun in the process. I knew I needed to work legs that day to so I did some barbell dead lifts and front squats. Added in some upper body as super sets and felt pretty good about my brief, but effective workout.
Luckily I never have a shortage of hand towels thanks to all the football games we go to! |
Got to start my morning off with my little early bird. Lincoln has never been a big fan of sleep, so I embrace our morning cuddles with the big fella. |
Tuesday: Our forecast for the rest of the week wasn't looking too good with Tuesday being the last day of sunshine and warm temperatures. I figured I needed to take advantage of running outside before the showers got here. I have several route options in my area; I can run from my gym or home, or just a few minute drive I'm at the trail head of where I usually run. But honestly, I have been getting a little bored with those routes since I do them so much and wanted to try something different. On our Fleet Feet group runs, we typically run over an interstate overpass near the store. From the time it starts inclining to the top, it's about a quarter of a mile, then the same thing going down to the end of the decline. Since we do not have much hills here in Central Florida, this seemed like it would be a great place to do "hill training." The weather was absolutely beautiful and all the cars rushing by even created a nice breeze. I warmed up with a mile then attacked that over pass several times. 3/4 mile cool down for a total of 5 challenging miles. What a great workout, I will definitely be doing that again. It did, however, not help my already sore legs so I was somewhat regretting all that Wednesday morning, lol! I also took a few moments to participate in the
FitApproach flex and flow challenge with one of my favorite poses. The upward facing dog always feels so great!
Wednesday: I didn't have much time to train on Wednesday, Hunter and I had a lot to do at work, so I got a quick, but potent lift in at our gym. For lower body, I only did kettle bell swings and hurdle squat jumps, then focused mostly on upper body. Later that evening, I was the hostess for our Moms Run This Town meet up at the Fleet Feet pub run. I was so excited for the opportunity to run with some gals I don't get to see very often as well as make new friends! Unfortunately, it was raining and dark, so my group only did 2 miles then headed back to the pub. A lot of us gals are racing over the next couple of weeks so we didn't want to risk getting hurt, plus we were really just there for the beer anyway, hehe. It's always such a great time hanging out the gals, enjoying a drink or two, discussing everything from our races to our jobs and families. I am not able to make much events so I take full advantage of our time together when I can.
MRTT at Fleet Feet Pub Run |
Thursday: The rain continued into Thursday so I figured it would be a good treadmill day. Thursday was just one of those blah running days for me. Not sure if it's been the rain or the tapering, but I was just not totally with it. I definitely need to snap out of it and get my mojo going for game time in two weeks! Despite being somewhat cumbersome, I had a descent treadmill run with 3 miles at an average pace of 7:45 then 2 miles of speed work (4x400 @ 6:15 pace w/ 400 RI). I followed it up with 1000m swim, which actually felt great. Swimming is becoming more and more effortless for me and I am super excited to get my triathlon training in full swing here soon!
Friday: The only time I have to workout on Fridays is right after I coach the 9am MetCon class. Hunter heads over to Yoga and I am have the gym to myself to get in another quick but potent lift. Typically focusing on all upper body, I did a lot of shoulders, biceps and triceps as well as core. Didn't want to be too sore for my last double digit run the following day. After our workouts, Hunter and I got some work done at the gym and headed to our favorite lunch spot, Jimmy Hula's, for a delicious post workout lunch! Then of course we and picked up our precious munchkins and enjoyed a fun afternoon at the park with them.
Nothing better than getting some work done early morning then coming upstairs to these two! |
Saturday: I have been loosely following a couple of different training programs in preparation for my next race in two weeks. For my first couple of marathons, I followed Jeff Galloway's program, but without the walk intervals. I used it mostly for the suggested mileage. This last marathon, I followed the Run Less Run Faster method. I was drawn to it because I have always been a three times a week runner and I felt the structure and speed training would help me get my BQ. The RLRF program also known as the "First Method" was almost too stringent for me. In fact, I believe it is what lead to me over training and ultimately my injury. (Side note, the program didn't cause me to bruise my heel on a coffee table, but I strongly believe I wold have healed much quicker with less issues if I had not been over training.) Despite the overzealous speedy tempo runs and high mileage runs ever single weekend, I did find that I rather enjoyed and always crushed the speed work from the program. So I decided to plug the speed work in to the Jeff Galloway program and have been doing that for the past two months. Between a much simpler approach and of course my much more relaxed attitude about it, I'm feel pretty good heading into race day. So with all that being said, my plans for Saturday called for 8-10 miles and I of course, had to do it on the treadmill. It was one of those runs where everything just kinda worked in my favor. My favorite treadmills was available for me. The temperature was perfect inside (I know that sounds silly but it is usually super humid inside LA Fitness). My iPod did not mess up on me and it kept playing some of my favorites from my playlist. and I just felt good, confident strong and fast. I knocked up the full 10 miles in about an hour and fourteen minutes with an average pace of 7:25. That was my best 10 miler since before my injury so I was pretty fired up about that! As excited as I was about a super awesome 10 treadmill miles
though, I am still being very realistic about my full. Man I would nothing more than to finally catch that Unicorn and know that I have it in me, I just don't know if this will be the one, we shall see!
This was actually my first ever gym mirror selfie, so I was pretty embarrassed getting this shot, lol |
Sunday: Family, laundry and meal prep day! The boys were just too excited for the day that they woke up super early to get it started.
Hunter went for his run while the boys and I ran some errands, then we
all headed off to soccer. I was hoping to get a quick little afternoon
run in myself like I did last week, but meal prepping took a little
longer than anticipated. It was probably a good thing though because
with the race coming up, I definitely need to take my designated rest days. Don't want to over train or get hurt, yet again. Later in the evening we went over to a neighbor's house and they had a super delicious and healthy meal. It was such a fun evening and the boys, as well as Hunter and I, were super worn out from the exciting events of the weekend!
Final Thoughts: I switch back and forth between excitement and dread for this next marathon, and it all just depends on the day and the my most recent training run. The week started off a little rocky but I finished strong with a great run on Saturday. It's time to focus on tapering and resting up for the big day. Just trying to stay positive and focused. Most important thing is that I just give it my all, finish strong and leave it all out on the course!
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