Saturday, January 9, 2016

2016, Off to a Good Start!

One of my New Years Resolutions for this year was to start blogging more and utilize this page not just for fitness and running tips but also as a bit of a journal.  I began using social media as a way to journal my running and fitness journey last summer.  It has been so neat looking back at my Instagram page and see all that I had done this past year.  All the accomplishments, setbacks and learning experiences are right there for me to reflect on at any time.  So I thought, why not take it a step further and utilize this blog page to it's full potential.

So here I am, making my first official post of 2016! I figured why not dedicate it to how this first full week of the year has been thus far and hopefully I can keep up with a weekly update for the entire year...we shall see.

Week 1 of 2016
The first few days of the new year were hectic to say the least.  We had just returned from Alabama for Christmas with the family then the husband and I headed down to Miami for the Orange Bowl.  We were exhausted from traveling and being at the game in 90+ degree weather, but that first Saturday I still managed to knock out a solid 8 miler on the treadmill.  However, boy oh boy did I feel all the effects of poor eating and inactivity over the holidays.  With my next marathon only 6 weeks away, I knew I was going to have my work cut out for me in the coming weeks!

Luckily, my husband, Hunter, and I both decided it was time to lock down the diet and start the new year off right.  It really took just a matter of days that I was already starting to feel better and get my mojo back.  Taught a kick ass cycle class that Monday, and thanks to some amazing weather on Tuesday, and I had a great 6 miler out on the trail.  Wednesday, however, I was starting to feel quite a bit of soreness from the rather ambitious leg workout I had done that Monday so it was just upper body that day (side-note: I haven't really worked legs since probably before Thanksgiving so I was SORE).

Then it was Thursday, January 7....

Just another Thursday and just another day in January for most people, but for me and my family, it marked the 13th anniversary of my father's passing from pancreatic cancer.  I still think about him often and even find myself in tears at times wishing he were still here.  But there is just something about that day that has and always will be particularly rough for me, rightfully so.  He was my biggest hero and one of my biggest fans.  He did teach me so much about life, love and the person I strive to become.  He was so strong, determined and had high expectations for my brother and I, but he also had the most awesome sense of humor and infectious personality.  Family and friends who knew my father say I am the spitting image of him personality wise and to me that is the ultimate compliment because he was so amazing.

I dedicated my miles on Thursday to him.  It wasn't about the pace or the distance rather just to be out there in nature, his favorite place to be, and feel a connection with him.  The majority of my run, I had tears streaming down my face, both sad and joyful.  Time does help with healing wounds but there will always be scars.  But just like my dad would have done and would want me to do, I tried to remain positive and think about all the happy and wonderful memories we had together.  So through tears of sadness, came some of joy and even a chuckle here and there remembering how funny he was!

After such a bitter sweet day remembering my father , I was sure to hug my husband and baby boys a little tighter that night.

Friday was a busy morning at work and I had to take my husband to the airport that afternoon.  The lucky fella got to head out to Houston to watch his client who plays for the Chiefs take on the Texans in the Wild Card game (I obviously had to stay back and watch the kiddos, but I didn't mind getting the sweet boys all to myself for a weekend).  So scheduling my workout for Friday was posing as a bit of a challenge.  Fortunately, I-4 traffic miracuously cooperated and I was able to make it back to my side of town in record time.  I had just enough time to sneak into our gym and knock out a quick workout.  I figured since I was limmited on time before I had to get the kids from school, I really needed to make it count.  So it was fun circuits filled with kettlebells, TRX, slam balls and dumbbell exercises.  I figured I would see where I was at with pull ups since it had been a while since I've done those too, like the lower body (yes, I have really been slipping with my exercising, time to get back at it).  It was of course band assisted, but I was surprised I was able to manage 4 sets of 6 of them!   So of course I had to take a picture...

Hunter doesn't get back until tomorrow and  I needed to get 10 miles in this morning for marathon training.  Thank goodness the boys absolutely love the lovely ladies who work the Kids Klub at LA Fitness.  So I put them in their Chiefs shirts and we headed to the gym.  10 dreadmill miles later, that actually went pretty well, the boys and I were ready to take on our Saturday.  I actually don't mind the treadmill too much, I don't have to worry about the elements, I can do it just about any time and it's also great people watching at the gym, hehe.  Any way, mama had a fun filled day planned for these boys and as much fun as they had in Kids Klub, they were ready to get it rocking!

And a super fun day we had!  Shopping, the park, ice cream, more shopping for toys and then a movie.  These two had so much fun, they were plum tuckered out!

To top off this awesome day, the Chiefs won and will advance in the play offs!  Not to mention the boys will have plenty of stories for daddy and vice versa.

This week sure had it's ups and down with fitness and with life, but all in all, it was definitely a great start to 2016.  It showed me the importance of staying consistent with my fitness and nutrition, getting off track definitely effects my body and mind.  But I also learned that I even though I have been slacking, I am not too far gone (ie, my pull ups and solid 10 miler) so that is definitely positive and encouraging.  But most importantly, I was reminded this week how precious life truly is.  Sometimes it can be hectic and stressful, but we are so incredibly lucky to be on this earth with the people we love.  So try to not the sweat the small stuff, hug and kiss your loved ones daily, work hard, have fun and love big!

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