Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Final Thoughts Before Your First Marathon

Several of my running buddies will be embarking on their very first marathon this coming Sunday at the Space Coast Marathon.  I couldn't be more excited for them because I will never forget the first time I crossed the finish line for my first marathon.  It was an experience that words cannot even begin to describe and I hope they experience the same euphoria I did!  Of course I certainly was not that blissful the entire time.  Despite the months of training, my nerves totally got the best of me in the days and of course minutes leading up to the race.  And even throughout the 26.2 miles, there were several moments of fears and doubts.  But I kept going and before I knew it, I was officially a marathoner!

So as my friends prepare for their first, and hopefully not last (hehe) marathon, I thought I would share a few last minute thoughts and suggestions in preparation for their big day...

1. Trust Your Training
You have just spend that past 12-18 weeks of your life preparing to run the miles, you can and WILL run them all!  Take a look back at your best and worst training runs.  What were different factors in those that you can do, or not do, race day?  Be sure to keep those things in mind before and during your run.  These past few months have not just physically, but also mentally prepared you for race day.  You have a plan.  Trust in that and believe in yourself.  Running is, after all, a mental sport (and we are all insane)!

2. Don't Make Any Major Changes
By now you have probably figured out your nutrition and hydration looks like for 20+ miles runs, as well as what gear and apparel work best for you.  Don't make any changes.  Don't add any new Gu or hydration tablets to your race day essentials.  Don't buy new shoes or pants or sports bra, go with what you know and trust.  And lastly, stick to a relatively simple diet in the last few days leading up to the race.  You don't want to risk any unwanted GI issues come race day.  Been there, regretted that, ugh!  Stick with what you know.

3. Have a Mantra
Read through some inspirational quotes or stories.  Find something that speaks to you about anything from perseverance, determination, competition, etc..  Whatever touches you and motivates you.  Recite those words to yourself before the race and whenever things start to get tough out there.  There will be times where you feel like this was too much of an undertaking and you want to walk, stop for a minute or even quit.  DON'T!  Remember your mantra, remember why you started this journey, what it means to you to finish, dig deep and keep pushing forward!

4. Relax, Have Fun
Listen, it's just running.  It's not our job, we're not getting paid to do it.  (In fact we pay a lot to do this, hehe).  We're not going to the Olympics and most of us won't qualify for Boston our first go, if ever!  Like I said above, think about why you even decided to run a marathon.  You obviously have to love running if you're willing to do it for 4-6+ hours straight!  So keep that in mind out on the course.  Enjoy the sights and sounds and emotions going on all around you.  There are so many great stories of triumph and inspiration at these events, including yours.  Soak it all in!  Running a marathon is the true definition of a journey, why not enjoy the ride, er run.  Think about how much more sweet crossing that finish line will be if you can remain calm, positive and and just have fun!

5. Recover Smart
One of the biggest mistakes people make post marathon is not honoring a proper recovery period.  Many people will stop running all together for a week or two, or even more, while others will jump right back into their old routine.  Take a day or so rest.  Not just the miles but also the emotional component of a race can take a toll on you.  Be sure to refuel your body with proper nutrition and drink TONS of water.  Foam rolling, active stretching and Yoga are all super helpful in recovery.  Many training programs have recovery runs built into them, so don't neglect that.  If your program does not have recovery runs, considering take some nice slow jogs or walk runs the week following the race and start building back up.  You don't want any unwanted injury or illness after your race to taint what an amazing thing you have just accomplished, so recovery smart and stay healthy.

I could really go on and on about marathon training and race day preparation, but those are some big ones that have helped me over the years.  No matter the outcome of your race, crossing that finish line at a marathon is a feeling like no other.  You have worked so hard to do something you may have never thought possible.  All those early mornings, tough workouts and dedication have paid off.  You set a goal and you made it happen.  Less than 1% of the population can say what you can now say...you are a MARATHONER!!!

Good luck and happy running!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Stay Healthy, Stay Informed

PINKtober Has Come and Gone...

And so has much of the emphasis on breast cancer awareness.  It is certainly wonderful that each year, everyone from our favorite consumer products to the NFL and celebrities dawn pink and promote the importance of fundraising, mammograms and self examinations.  But breast cancer awareness is something that should be on the forefront of our minds all year round.

With that being said, I thought I would take this opportunity to share some tips with you from BHG360° Bankers Healthcare Group, a provider of financing solutions to healthcare professionals.  Below is a great infographic they have provided with breast cancer facts and myth busters.

So What Can You Do?

First and foremost, be self aware.  Do monthly self-examinations to check for any lumps in your breast.  As stated above, only a small percentage of breast lumps turn out to be cancer, but being aware of any abnormalities and having them checked is key to early detection.  For more information on how to properly do a self examination, visit the Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

Next, spread the word.  Don't hesitate to share this information with all your family friends, coworkers etc., and help educate everyone you love on the importance of self-examination.  Use social media to share infographics like the one above, ask your employer if you can post information in the break room, and just simply discuss with your friends and family how important early detection can be in the fight against breast cancer.

Join the fundraising efforts.  There are several organizations that raise money for breast cancer research, funding mammograms, assistance to those battling the disease and of course, also to help spread awareness.  Whether you personally make a donation, do a fundraiser or participate in an event specifically for breast cancer, like the 26.2 with Donna marathon I will be running in February, every little bit helps.  So get involved today!